U.S. Congressman Steve Cohen of Memphis honored Perry Wallace by entering a tribute to the SEC pioneer into the Congressional Record on Jan. 21, 2015. Cohen and Wallace have a long relationship. It was Wallace who served as a young Cohen’s “Vuceptor” (as the orientation leaders at Vanderbilt are known) when Cohen entered the university as a freshman and Wallace was an upperclassman.
Hi Andy. Erin shared with me your message to her. Your book about Perry is thought-provoking, very touching and rekindling many memories for a lot of us who had attended Vandy at that that. I sincerely appreciate you taking the initiative to write a very deserving biography of a wonderful man. I have reached out to Perry on a number of occasions for us to revisit however our schedules have yet to line up. I look forward to the day when the two of us will get together once again. In the meantime if you are in Florida promoting your book I would welcome the opportunity for us to get together. If not before, I plan to be in Nashville March the 20th 21st and 22nd. Should you be available to have a cup of coffee I would welcome the opportunity to get with you. For texting purposes my cell is 904.631.6065. Please provide me with your mobile number so I can communicate with you as the date gets closer. Steve Cohen’s Congressional honor of Perry is most deserving. Steve happened to be my little brother when he was pledging our fraternity. Unfortunately those in my class were not able to get the majority of our fraternity to agree to inviting Perry to join us as brothers drink our time at school. That unfortunate decision was one of my biggest disappointments while attending Vandy. I look forward to meeting you in person. Kindest regards, Don Wolfson
Mr. Wolfson – Thanks very much for your note. I look forward to meeting you while you’re in Nashville. I’ll text you so we can arrange to meet. Please give my best to Erin.
I only wish I could reach out and tell Mr. Wallace how much this book has meant to me. Yes I did shed a few tears in reading this book. Thank you MR Maraniss for all the work and time you spent in writing this book.
Thanks so much for your note. I will pass your message along to Perry!
Great BOOK st Mary’s is not at 5th and church
Thanks for the correction, Bob. Charlotte, not Church!